For men, sex can mean many things. It can mean a night of passion with your partner. It can also mean penetration, or being the penetrator in a sexual encounter with a partner – this is called “safer sex”. It can also mean being the receptive partner in a sexual encounter, which is the reason you call it “sex”, and not “hand job” – it’s intimacy. Intimacy is the experience of being connected with a person in a way that feels good to you. It can be as simple as holding hands with someone, or as intimate as having sex. If you are looking to understand intimacy from a male perspective, read on.
The Male Perspective on Intimacy
Intimacy, in the context of a relationship, is when two people are willing to go to any length to be together. It is the closeness that two people experience. It is the knowledge that another person is there to be there for you no matter what. Intimacy is when you let someone see the “real you” and not just what you think you want them to see.
What Does Intimacy Mean to Men?
Intimacy means “the state of being intimate; close relationship.” Male intimacy means the masculine ability to be close with another person. Intimacy is the place where you both feel safe enough to be your true selves. A healthy relationship is a place where both partners feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with each other without feeling judged. It is important to note that vulnerability is not weakness. If you feel like you are craving for sex often, then tell it to your partner and you can even ask to watch blacked porn together.
Tips for building intimacy in your marriage or relationship
- Talk about your relationship often. Even if you don’t have “issues”, discussing what you like about your relationship and what you don’t like can help you build intimacy.
- Spend time together. Studies show that couples that don’t spend time together have a lower intimacy level than couples that do.
- Share chores and responsibilities. When you take turns doing everyday tasks like laundry, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and child care, you show your partner that they are enough without attempting to change who they are to be more acceptable to you.
- Have “dates” together. Try to do something each day that is not a chore or a “date”. Having daily activities that aren’t “dates” helps build intimacy.
- Help your partner do something they love. Helping your partner pursue their passions and hobbies can help you build intimacy because you get to spend time together doing something that means something to both of you.
Intimacy doesn’t come naturally to everyone. However, intimacy can be learned and developed with practice. While some people are born with an easy ability to connect and feel close to their partner, this does not mean that the ability does not lie dormant for others. As with anything, practice makes perfect. If you feel like you need to work on developing your emotional intimacy, remember that it is never too late to improve.